Saturday, January 19, 2013

1st Meeting Minutes:))))

What a great group we have for our Random Acts of Kindness 2013:))))  You all touched my heart and I am so lucky to have met each of you! A special thanks to our gracious host--Pick A Class for allowing us to meet in their space!

 Here is a brief recap of our first meeting:

Scatter Kindness was presented as our Mission Statement
  • "No Kind Action ever stops with itself.  One Kind Action leads to another.  Good example is followed.  A single act of Kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.  The greatest work that Kindness does to others is that it makes them Kind themselves."  Amelia Earhart
Lots of great Group RAK's were discussed 
  • Volunteer a day in the spring with the Miracle League in Wake Forest
  • Visits to Hillside or the Carolina  House in Wake Forest
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Volunteer with Oxford Orphanage
  • Volunteer with local NonProfit Group Threads of Grace
  • Plant a flower garden in Wake Forest with a Scatter Kindness Marker
  • Kindness Kits for Homeless in Wake Forest
  • Help shoppers with groceries and returning carts
  • Yard work for a person in need--raking leaves, planting flowers etc....
  • Jar of Kindness for anonymous gifting in December 2013
  • Baking for a person that needs uplifting of spirits
  • Volunteer with Ronald McDonald House in Chapel Hill, NC
For the most part, our efforts will be focused in Wake Forest, NC.  Our goal is to spread Kindness in our community:)  We will set "themes" for our group events such as Valentine's for our cherished Seniors, Shamrocks bring Luck etc....

A great suggestion was that we ask David Leone at The Wake Weekly to ask for RAK Nominations.  We all know it's hard for a person to ask for help but with a nomination process, people can nominate someone they know for a Random Act of Kindness.  I will email David at The Wake Weekly this week and provide an update.

Lots of great Personal RAK's were discussed
  •  Write a handwritten note of kindness to a friend, neighbor, family member or even stranger
  • Leave change at vending machine for the next soda or snack
  • Leave thank you note for mail carrier
  • Send a note of praise to someone's supervisor for a job well done
  • Give something away on Craigslist
  • Send a friend an old photo with a note recalling that memory
  • Drop off flowers on a doorstep with a note of Kindness
  • Hershey "Kisses" 
RAK Gift tags will be a great way to perform our RAK's with PURPOSE.  This anonymous gift tag will simply state--Please enjoy this Random Act of Kindness--Now it's your turn to Pay it Forward.  The tags will "Plant a Seed" of Kindness in others!  We will meet on February 1st to make the RAK gift tags--all materials will be donated and all we need is your time:)  Refreshments and Snacks will be provided.  All the help we can get is appreciated:))))

Our first Group RAK will be February 16 at 10 AM---a member of our group is working with a local nursing home in Wake Forest to see if we can make a visit to the residents and give Valentine's and balloons to our cherished Seniors.  An update will be provided as soon as one is available.

In March, we will perform a Group RAK with a Shamrock, St Patrick's Day theme--any ideas please submit them so we can start working on it!

As you perform your Personal RAK's---please take a moment to take a picture and write a little about the experience for all of us to can post them here or email them.  I would love to have a celebration at the end of the year that reviews our year as a group and personally, so we can reflect and celebrate each other together.  

One of our members mentioned he has a couple of Karate Passes(one month free) he would love to pass along--if you are interested or know someone that would like to be gifted--let us know!

In conclusion, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for each of you and your time!  I am looking forward to working with you all and can't wait to spread a little Kindness!

If I left anything out--please add it to this post.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to add---Tshirts with our mission statement were brought up--any thoughts? The Tshirts would simply read Scatter Kindness--Thoughts greatly appreciated....
