Monday, February 11, 2013

RAK2013:)))) Update February 11 2013

First Group Event is Saturday February 16 @ 11 AM--lets meet out front of HIllside Nursing Home so I can pass out Tshirts---they turned out beautiful:))))  Make sure to wear a long sleeved shirt that will be comfortable underneath your Tshirt--I will make sure to take a group picture with our shirts!

I met with TOWF Facilities Director Mickey Rochelle today and I have some exciting news!  We have been approved to plant a "Garden of Kindness" in Wake Forest:))))  The North Wake Senior Center(across the street from the Post Office) is in need of a flower garden.  April 6, 2013 @ 10 AM is the date for this group event--please mark your calendars:)  We are allowed to add a little marker to represent our group.  (I have attached a photo of our future site)

Personal RAK's:  Carmen shared a few personal rak's---passing along 20% off coupons at Bed Bath and Beyond and adding silver to the take a penny leave a penny jars at cash registers!  Great job Carmen and thank you for sharing!  I personally volunteered a monthly crafting class with the seniors at The North Wake Senior Center and I am working with a local charity(Threads of Grace).  I will donate crafts to their retail shop--all proceeds will be theirs to keep.  I have set aside one day a month at my Studio for crafting projects for them so if you are interested in coming in and making crafts for a good cause--let me know!  I can use your help!  All supplies are donated--I just need helpful hands!

Anita passed along contact information for Meals on Wheels in Wake Forest.  The lady's name is Jessica and her number is  (919) 554-0725Anita also passed along some information for a family in need in Wake Forest.  I have emailed several people this week to see what we can do to help. 

Our March group event will be March 23 @ 10 AM.  Let's help load groceries and take grocery carts to the corrals for customers:)  Is there a preference as to which grocery store?  I am thinking Lowe's Foods in Wake Forest(next to Kohl's)--if we are all in agreement--I will go by and get approval from management prior to us showing up.

In May, would you all like to set up a lemonade stand--we could pass out cups of sunshine:))))  Please let me know your thoughts....

I think it would be great if we could get together once a month to share our Personal Rak's and discuss our upcoming group Rak's.  Are you all open to that?  We could meet for dinner one night a month or maybe we set a certain Saturday morning each month to be our planning day?  (2nd Saturday of each month or something like that?)   Please let me know so I can add this to our calendar--We could begin in March:))))

I just want to say Thank you for all that you all are doing--I am so proud to be a part of this with you and find myself thinking of you all often!  This is such a positive venture we have all set out on and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to work on Kindness together! 

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