Sunday, February 24, 2013

RAK2013:)))) Weekly Update

Carmen shared a personal RAK:)

My random act was tied to Heritage.  I had found out they were having a yard sale tomorrow to raise money to purchase a new mascot costume.  When I showed up yesterday for a meeting, I came with a car full of items to donate.  Hopefully they can make a few hundred bucks from the items.

My personal RAK for the week....

I cleaned out my laundry room and found a HUGE box of Fresh Step cat litter I no longer need~I have a neighbor that rescues cats and works with SafeHaven so I anonymously placed the box of cat litter on their doorstep:))))

Carmen shared a suggestion for an upcoming Group RAK....we can discuss at our next get together....

  • I thought it would be nice to do something for Veterans about 6 months prior to Veterans Day.  I thought to myself that many people do things for Veterans on Veterans Day or during the month of November, but why not give more. 
March 10th @ 4:00 PM  Threads of Grace Day~All Helpful Hands are welcome!  Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

March 23rd @10 AM   RAK2013:)))) Group Event--Food Lion in Wake Forest--Help with Carts and Groceries.  Make sure to wear your tshirts!

March 29th @ 6:30 PM  Group Meeting to Discuss plans for Garden of Kindness and May's Lemonade Stand

April 6th @ 9 AM    Breakfast meeting @ McDonalds on Hwy 98 in Wake Forest

April 6th @ 10 AM  RAK2013:)))) Group Event  Garden of Kindness at North Wake Senior Center(across from Wake Forest Post Office)

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