Tuesday, March 5, 2013

RAK2013:)))) Update March 5, 2013

Happy Tuesday! 

I can not believe its already March~time is moving so fast! 

I wanted to update everyone as to the Threads of Grace Day at the Studio- It is this Sunday, March 10th-It will begin at 4:00 PM...you can stay and help out as long as you like.  We will be making several different projects and I will provide snacks and refreshments for us:))))  Please let me know if you are attending so I can have everything prepared for us. 

Our next group event is Saturday, March 23 10 AM @ Food Lion in Wake Forest--Please let me know on this one too if you are available to attend(I've heard from a few of you that you will not be attending)

I have scheduled a planning meeting for our April group event for March 29th @ 6 PM--our Garden of Kindness will take a little coordination so please plan on attending this one if at all possible:))))

I haven't gotten any new Personal RAK's from ya'll but I know you all are busy out there being kind because that's who you all are!  I hope I see your smiling faces this weekend---Talk to you soon!


  1. I think you are a wonderful woman. The work you do in our community is beautiful! God Bless you and your family :-)

    1. Thank you Jennifer for your kind words:)))) I shine so that others may see HIM through me:)))) I have lived in Wake Forest for 17 years and love this community and want to give back as much as I can! Kindness is a part of who I am and I enjoy sharing it--our group has some of the kindest people I have had the privilege to meet and it is so uplifting to know them and spread kindness with them!
