Monday, September 30, 2013

Raking in the Kindness:)))))

Hi everyone:))))

I hope you all have had a great summer!  I've missed you guys dearly and can't wait to see you at our next event and I can't wait to hear about your personal RAK's!

October 12, 2013--11 AM
Raking in the Kindness:))))
Let's meet and help an Elderly Senior Citizen in Wake Forest rake their yard!  If you know of anyone that is in need of some help, please email me. I will check with the senior citizen center as well.  We will leave a beautiful yard sign in the yard encouraging others to spread a little Kindness.

Also, November RAK 2013:))))  will be 11/9--We will spend some together preparing for the Holidays making some Christmas Cards for our Seniors at Hillside:)))) and planning a holiday celebration.

December 14 will be our Christmas celebration for the seniors at Hillside~

More information will follow...stay tuned!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness Update:)))) Week of June 6 2013

The Group Act of Kindness event has been moved~I have an appointment I just can't reschedule.  I will email with new dates and information soon.  Spring Baseball is almost over so we may do our Lemonade Stand in the fall.

So, who is interested in a Group Act of Kindness on Saturday June 29th?  Does anyone have a friend, neighbor, relative that would benefit from some yard work or  house work for a few hours?  Let me know if you know of someone and we can coordinate it!

The Garden of Kindness has blossomed beautifully--I stop by a couple times a week to water and pull weeds once a week---I love seeing our garden!

Please reply if you are able to attend June 29th--Hope to see you soon!

Have a great weekend and try to stay dry:)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness 2013:))))

Due to the Memorial Day Weekend~I am moving the Cups of Sunshine event to June 8th.  

We will have a planning meeting on May 31st 630 PM at Pick A Class.  

At our planning meeting I will bring along some information for our upcoming Group RAK's--There are some really great opportunities for us:))))

I hope you all have a Happy Mother's Day and I look forward to seeing you on the 31st!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness 2013:)))) Update

Happy Sunday:)))))
I hope you all are well and enjoying the beautiful spring weather!
I have gotten a few personal RAK's that I would like to share....
From Carmen:
 I completed a RAK for the week.  I was given a
starbucks gift card ($5) from my realtor for providing a referral a
few months ago.  Since I don't really drink or visit Starbucks the
card has been sitting in my wallet unsused.  Today, I thought I would
share the gift card with an extended co-worker who I know visits
Starbucks every day on her way to work.  I told her the next coffee is
on me :)  She was so happy.
From Anita:
I have been using my RAK cards at the gym.  I pay for a drink at the front and have one of the employees give someone that looks tired after their workout the card with a drink.  They are very surprised and happy to receive this. J  It makes me happy too!
Also, Anita has a few items she would like to donate to a good home...If you would like them or know of someone that would--please let me know:))))

-Treadmill – Weslo Cadence adjustable suspension deck, 2.5 HP, 1008 sq. inch expanded deck (excellent condition)
               -32” Panasonic TV (very heavy)
               -Boys 20” Magna Imposter black/red 2-wheel Bicycle

Thank you for sharing Carmen and Anita--It brings me such joy to know you all are out there sharing your kindness~it has been such a blessing to meet and know you all!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness 2013:)))) Update

The Garden of Kindness was a huge success:)  Thank you to all who came out and volunteered their time and garden tools!  The weather was perfect and it was so much fun working together on this project. 

Our next group event will be May 25th~A Lemonade Stand that hands out cups of sunshine!  I hope we can get those Boy Scouts from Troop 588 to help!

Please forward any ideas you may have for June's group event....

Thank you for making our Wake Forest such a Kind Town and I will see you soon!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

You can be the change you want to see. Let’s do what we can, together~134 Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness

134 Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness…

1. Befriend the lonely person
2. Introduce yourself to your neighbors
3. Compliment a stranger
4. Sing Christmas Carols at a nursing home - Then have everyone over to your house after for cookies and cocoa
5. Adopt an animal from the pound
6. Donate your talents
7. Send paper thank you notes
8. Pay for the coffee, the toll, or the bus fare for the person behind you
9. Let the person who seems rushed cut in front of you
10. Hold your tongue - Pause before speaking or writing when you are mad, agitated or doubtful
11. Be empathetic - Really try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes
12. Be thoughtful - Did your co-worker have a bad day today? Bring her a coffee tomorrow morning.
13. Hold the door open for someone
14. Play cupid - You know those two people who would totally be great together and they just haven’t met yet? Get them in the same room together and let nature take it’s course. Helpful hint from a wannabe match-maker (me) don’t tell them you want to set them up and then sit there and watch them all night long to see how it’s going and if you were right (been there, done that, totally doesn’t work. All I’ve got to say about that is, hello awkward!). Introduce them and then bring up the common ground that they share. “Betty Sue, you’re from New Orleans just like Tim Bob here!” (you like those names don’t you). They just might be a match, and then, at their wedding (we’re going full-on optimist here) you’ll be able to tell everyone, “Told you so!”
15. Give your boxes to someone who is moving
16. Be thankful
17. Be encouraging
18. Let people merge-in during traffic
19. Help people move
20. Say “Thank you”, a lot - Everyone works hard. Thanks are especially important to the postal worker, the government employee, the DMW clerk, the bus driver, the grocery store cashiers (especially when you bring up all that produce and they have to look-up every single code) and baggers
21. Call your parents and tell them you love them
22. Let your partner watch their show - And don’t roll your eyes or huff and puff about it
23. Don’t be annoying - Make a conscious effort to avoid doing the things you know annoy your spouse (or roommates)
24. Send your friend a letter
25. Volunteer at a department of corrections or juvenile hall
26. Spread your skills - If you have a skill (photography, outfit styling, cooking, website programming, etc.) and you know someone who has expressed an interest in what you do offer to teacher them what you know
27. Give freely - Go through your things and give freely to those in need
28. Have a shirt that your friend always compliments you on? Why not give it to her?
29. Offer to get groceries for your friend or relative who has a broken leg or other mobility problem
30. Make extra copies of photos and send them to the people who are in the images
31. Offer to help your friend unpack
32. Call everyone you know and tell them you love them
33. Give warm clothes, shoes, and boots to the homeless
34. Help someone whose car has broken down
35. Connect people to each other
36. Walk the cart back to the front of the store
37. Reach out to a person who has made a difference in your life
38. Send a care package to a solider
39. Listen when no one else wants to
40. Be patient
41. Try to find goodness in the person you don’t like
42. Ask someone if they’ve lost some weight or tell them that they’re “just glowing”
43. Know someone who just had a baby or other major life event? - Bring a meal, offer to clean up their house or do a load of laundry for them.
44. Do you know that your partner hates doing the dishes but you don’t really mind doing them? Do them.
45. Don’t nag - Even if you really, really, really want to
46. Be kind to yourself - Make peace with your past mistakes. Use that knowledge to help others who might be going through the same thing.
47. Let it go
48. Be someone’s cheerleader
49. Already sweeping leaves or shoveling the snow off your sidewalk? - Do your neighbors sidewalk too.
50. Do nice things and don’t tell anyone about it
51. Notice a kid being well-behaved? - Tell their parents how good they are while the kid is standing there. It will encourage the kid to continue being good, and will make the parents feel good.
52. (Along the same lines as #51) Compliment people in front of others - For some reason compliments hold more weight when they’re done in front of others.
53. Bring donuts or other delicious sweets to work
54. Give chocolate generously and often;)
55. Tell your boss how much you like working for them and how much you’ve learned from them over the years
56. Bake a cake for the birthday person
57. Don’t complain
58. Be the eternal optimist of the group 
59. Recognize the good in others
60. Look for the best in the situation
61. Leave nice comments on blogs, Twitter, and Facebook
62. Stand up for the underdog
63. Come to the rescue of someone in need
64. Smile easily and laugh - Even at the so-so jokes
65. Share - Even if you don’t really want to
66. Let someone else have your seat on the crowded bus, light-rail or subway
67. Rather than throwing away obviously lost items turn them into the “Lost and Found” desk
68. Do the task no one else wants to do
69. Create a happy book - Gather all your good memories and thoughts into 1 spot
70. Keep a pen on hand - Lend it to people when needed
71. Don’t leave others waiting for you - Be on time
72. Fill up the gas tank and/or wash the car for your partner and then leave candy on the dashboard for them to find in the morning before work.
73. Tell your partner how amazingly “hot” they are
74. Tell your partner what a good hair/butt day they’re having
75. Tell your partners parents how talented your partner is at something
76. Tip generously 
77. Say “Hi” to strangers
78. Smile at people
79. Help lost people - See tourists wandering around lost? Help them out. Be their new local friend. Someone did this for us once and we were so, so thankful.
80. Offer a ride to someone who is car-less
81. Help that stressed parent by offering to babysit
82. If the work-day is running late and you know your co-worker has somewhere they have to be offer to stay late so they don’t have to worry about figuring it out
83. Thank your co-workers for doing a good job, for getting extra supplies, for thinking ahead, for being easy to work with
84. Donate your old car and clothes to charities
85. Go to your friend’s kid’s event
86. Buy the stuff the neighbor kid is selling - Moderately, of course;)
87. Stop at the neighbor kid’s lemonade stand and make a purchase
88. Create a “Dress-Up” box for a kid
89. Skype or FaceTime with the kids in your life - My nieces and nephews LOVE FaceTiming and I love to see them smiling and showing off their latest creation or other things that they’re prod of :)
90. Pick up the tab - Go up to the waiter and pay when no one is watching (of course only if you’re in the financial situation to do so)
91. Avoid gossip - No need to spread any negativity
92. Give the painter, electrician, or handyman a glass of water or offer them a pop
93. Be understanding - Assume the best in others. If someone is running late or has called in sick don’t assume they’re trying to get out of something.
94. Go to your friends art opening
95. Spread the word - If you know someone who takes pictures, paints interiors, is a super nanny, a wonderful accountant, etc. Let others know. People who work for themselves need word of mouth referrals more than anyone else.
96. Be inviting - Ask people to do something with you
97. Leave extra time in the parking meter
98. Don’t write the complaint letter that you’re thinking about writing
99. Hang out with the person who just moved to town
100. Drop quarters on the sidewalk for people to find
101. Leave a whole bunch of pennies heads-up for kids to find on the sidewalk or other public places - Kids love finding heads-up pennies
102. Be understanding of traveling parents with the grumpy or noisy kids
103. Pack extra snacks and offer them to your co-workers or friends
104. Leave good books (or other nice stuff) for your fellow apartment dwellers to take from your shared common spaces
105. Compliment people on their homes
106. Forgive the person you used to hate back in the day
107. Make amends for the wrongs you have done
108. Respect your partner and don’t make decisions without their input
109. Let someone else have their way without putting up a fight about it
110. Donate your vacation or sick days to a person at work who is struggling with cancer or another horrible illness
111. Participate - The people who organize events always worry that no one will take part. That ugly sweater contest or bake-off needs you!
112. Respond timely – Even if you have to say, “Hey, just wanted to let you know I got your email and I’ll get right back to you.” People like to know they’re not being ignored.
113. Don’t leave people hanging - If you’re not into something someone suggests just tell them so (especially in a professional or work-related situation – don’t act like they’re a date that you want to stand-up/avoid- not professional or cool, at all. Be kind.)
114. Lend your expertise - Know intellectual property law? Help out a friend who really needs that assist.
115. Give CD’s to your friends that have your favorite songs on them
116. Send a surprise book to someone from an online retailer
117. Don’t let your friends (or co-workers or acquaintances) be alone on the holidays
118. Listen to someone’s life story - Yes, the whole thing
119. Be friendly on public transportation
120. Keep your bad attitude to yourself
121. Decorate for the holidays
122. Be happy for others
123. Be super enthusiastic when people have good news!
124. Don’t butt-in or give advice when you’re not asked for it - Have confidence in others; trust that they are fully capable of being in charge of their own lives.
125. Mind your own business
126. Selflessly help (and promote) others
127. Give a glowing recommendation
128. Tell the person who is looking for a job when you hear about an opening
129. Know that someone was Valedictorian, Homecoming Queen, or Prom King in high school? Tell others because they can’t tell people themselves (without it sounding like they’re bragging)
130. Call your in-laws
131. Help people out who might be feeling awkward
132. Generously give your knowledge
133. Have you discovered something that has changed your life? - Share what you know and inspire others to change their lives too
134. Spread the goodness - Let others know you are on a mission to spread kindness and they will be inspired to do the same

You can be the change you want to see. Let’s do what we can, together.

RAK 2013:)))) April 4 Update

Saturday, April 6 at 10 AM, we are planting our Garden of Kindness.  We have lots of volunteers and I can't wait to see you all:)  It shouldn't take more than a couple of hours on Saturday--if you have any garden tools, please let me know.  We are in need of a few garden hoes and shovels.

Thank you to Lowes Home Improvement and Home Depot in Wake Forest, NC for donating our plants and mulch:))))
Our May Group RAK event, Cups of Sunshine,  will be Saturday, May 25th.  We will have a planning meeting on Friday, May 10th at 6 PM.  I am working with a few national beverage companies~I'm hoping our cups of sunshine will be donated:))))

Does anyone have any ideas for our June Group RAK? 

Friday, March 22, 2013

May RAK2013:)))) Group Event

In May, our group event will be setting up a Lemonade Stand at a Wake Forest Parks and Rec baseball field.  Baseball season will be in full swing and we will hand out "cups of sunshine" to all the hot and thirsty baseball enthusiasts. 

A planning meeting will be scheduled for this one so stay tuned for more information:))))

April 6th 2013 RAK Group Event

Saturday, April 6th at 10 AM we will plant a Garden of Kindness at The North Wake Senior Center on Holding Avenue in Wake Forest.  Helpful Hands and Kind Hearts are Needed...

A planning meeting will be held at Pick A Class at 502 S White Street in Wake Forest on March 29th at 6:00 PM.

If you are able to attend either of these...please leave a comment:))))

Thank you for all that you do to make our community Kinder!


RAK 2013:)))) March 18th Update

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

This weekend we have the Group Random Acts of Kindness at Food Lion in Wake Forest---Is anyone able to make that one?  I've gotten several emails that are a no so if you can attend, please let me know.  We will meet at 10 AM in the parking lot, wear your Scatter Kindness Tshirts:))))  We will help patrons of Food Lion with their groceries and returning grocery carts.

Next Friday, March 29th--I wanted to have a planning meeting so that we may discuss the upcoming Garden of Kindness Group Event.  That event is April 6th at 10 AM--please let me know if you can attend the planning meeting and the Group event please.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Threads of Grace Donations:))))

Random Acts of Kindness Update Week of 3/12/13

Good Morning!!!! 

Threads of Grace Day at the Studio was busy with helpful hands:)  Thank you for coming out and supporting such a great charity!  We were able to donate a lot of great stuff and they were overwhelmed with joy when I dropped everything off yesterday. ( I attached a picture of all the donations )

Our  Group Random Acts of Kindness 2013:)))) event is Saturday, March 23 @ 10 AM.  We will meet a few minutes before to hand out gift tags and make a plan of action. The Food Lion in Wake Forest is located at 12295 Capital Blvd  Wake Forest, NC 27588.  Let's wear our Tshirts and pray for no rain!  If it does rain, bring an umbrella so we can offer walks to the front door to customers:))))

March 29th @ 6 PM we will have a planning meeting for the Garden of Kindness event in April.  We will meet at Pick A Class and it shouldnt take longer than 30 to 45 minutes.  I will have a few snacks and refreshments for us.

April 6th at 10 AM is our Group Random Acts of Kindness 2013:)))) event!  We will be planting a Garden of Kindness at the North Wake Senior Center.  All the help we can get will be needed so invite friends, neighbors and coworkers!

Carmen Alu shared a Personal RAK this week that makes my heart happy:
          From a person perspective, my recent RAK was something that came out
          of a meeting with a potential contractor.  He came to our home to give
          us an estimate.  Chances are we are not selecting him but he informed
         me that he and his family does a lot with their church and next week
         will be hosting a family from another country.  You can imagine the
         costs associated with such a thing so I donated $50 to the cause.
        It's not much but it should help.

I am finding that I look for new ways and opportunities to spread kindness--I take a few extra minutes to thank cashiers, hold doors open and offer praise when a job is done well.  For example, there is a woman that works at The Dollar Tree here in Wake Forest and she is ALWAYS so helpful, friendly and personable.  This past week, I took some extra time to thank her for her extra efforts....she was so pleased and I am so glad I was able to share some kindness with her.

Personal RAK Ideas

random acts of kindness

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

RAK2013:)))) Update March 5, 2013

Happy Tuesday! 

I can not believe its already March~time is moving so fast! 

I wanted to update everyone as to the Threads of Grace Day at the Studio- It is this Sunday, March 10th-It will begin at 4:00 can stay and help out as long as you like.  We will be making several different projects and I will provide snacks and refreshments for us:))))  Please let me know if you are attending so I can have everything prepared for us. 

Our next group event is Saturday, March 23 10 AM @ Food Lion in Wake Forest--Please let me know on this one too if you are available to attend(I've heard from a few of you that you will not be attending)

I have scheduled a planning meeting for our April group event for March 29th @ 6 PM--our Garden of Kindness will take a little coordination so please plan on attending this one if at all possible:))))

I haven't gotten any new Personal RAK's from ya'll but I know you all are busy out there being kind because that's who you all are!  I hope I see your smiling faces this weekend---Talk to you soon!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

RAK2013:)))) Weekly Update

Carmen shared a personal RAK:)

My random act was tied to Heritage.  I had found out they were having a yard sale tomorrow to raise money to purchase a new mascot costume.  When I showed up yesterday for a meeting, I came with a car full of items to donate.  Hopefully they can make a few hundred bucks from the items.

My personal RAK for the week....

I cleaned out my laundry room and found a HUGE box of Fresh Step cat litter I no longer need~I have a neighbor that rescues cats and works with SafeHaven so I anonymously placed the box of cat litter on their doorstep:))))

Carmen shared a suggestion for an upcoming Group RAK....we can discuss at our next get together....

  • I thought it would be nice to do something for Veterans about 6 months prior to Veterans Day.  I thought to myself that many people do things for Veterans on Veterans Day or during the month of November, but why not give more. 
March 10th @ 4:00 PM  Threads of Grace Day~All Helpful Hands are welcome!  Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

March 23rd @10 AM   RAK2013:)))) Group Event--Food Lion in Wake Forest--Help with Carts and Groceries.  Make sure to wear your tshirts!

March 29th @ 6:30 PM  Group Meeting to Discuss plans for Garden of Kindness and May's Lemonade Stand

April 6th @ 9 AM    Breakfast meeting @ McDonalds on Hwy 98 in Wake Forest

April 6th @ 10 AM  RAK2013:)))) Group Event  Garden of Kindness at North Wake Senior Center(across from Wake Forest Post Office)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

March Group Event--Saturday March 23 @ 10 AM

Our next group event is scheduled for March 23 @ 10 AM.  Let's meet at the Food Lion in Wake Forest and help customers with their groceries and carts.  We will slip our Random Act of Kindness gift tags in their bags for discovery at home later!

Can't wait to scatter a little kindness together:))))

Threads of Grace Day @ The Studio

Sunday, March 10th @ 4 PM Join me at the Studio for a day of creating for Threads of Grace!  All supplies are donated and our crafts will be given to Threads of Grace to sell in their retail shop.  Threads of Grace will keep all the proceeds:))))

I am in need of helpful hands so if you are able to attend and help out~please let me know! 

For more information about Threads of Grace...their website is

First Group Event Recap:))))

What a great way to spend a morning!!!!  I want to personally thank you guys for coming out and cherishing our seniors~it was such a rewarding experience and I am truly grateful that I know each of you and was able to share this with ya'll.

My heart is a little warmer after spending my morning with you and our seniors~I can not thank you all enough for your kindness. 

Here's a picture of us in our shirts--we are one great looking group! 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Our T-Shirts :))))

RAK2013:)))) Update February 11 2013

First Group Event is Saturday February 16 @ 11 AM--lets meet out front of HIllside Nursing Home so I can pass out Tshirts---they turned out beautiful:))))  Make sure to wear a long sleeved shirt that will be comfortable underneath your Tshirt--I will make sure to take a group picture with our shirts!

I met with TOWF Facilities Director Mickey Rochelle today and I have some exciting news!  We have been approved to plant a "Garden of Kindness" in Wake Forest:))))  The North Wake Senior Center(across the street from the Post Office) is in need of a flower garden.  April 6, 2013 @ 10 AM is the date for this group event--please mark your calendars:)  We are allowed to add a little marker to represent our group.  (I have attached a photo of our future site)

Personal RAK's:  Carmen shared a few personal rak's---passing along 20% off coupons at Bed Bath and Beyond and adding silver to the take a penny leave a penny jars at cash registers!  Great job Carmen and thank you for sharing!  I personally volunteered a monthly crafting class with the seniors at The North Wake Senior Center and I am working with a local charity(Threads of Grace).  I will donate crafts to their retail shop--all proceeds will be theirs to keep.  I have set aside one day a month at my Studio for crafting projects for them so if you are interested in coming in and making crafts for a good cause--let me know!  I can use your help!  All supplies are donated--I just need helpful hands!

Anita passed along contact information for Meals on Wheels in Wake Forest.  The lady's name is Jessica and her number is  (919) 554-0725Anita also passed along some information for a family in need in Wake Forest.  I have emailed several people this week to see what we can do to help. 

Our March group event will be March 23 @ 10 AM.  Let's help load groceries and take grocery carts to the corrals for customers:)  Is there a preference as to which grocery store?  I am thinking Lowe's Foods in Wake Forest(next to Kohl's)--if we are all in agreement--I will go by and get approval from management prior to us showing up.

In May, would you all like to set up a lemonade stand--we could pass out cups of sunshine:))))  Please let me know your thoughts....

I think it would be great if we could get together once a month to share our Personal Rak's and discuss our upcoming group Rak's.  Are you all open to that?  We could meet for dinner one night a month or maybe we set a certain Saturday morning each month to be our planning day?  (2nd Saturday of each month or something like that?)   Please let me know so I can add this to our calendar--We could begin in March:))))

I just want to say Thank you for all that you all are doing--I am so proud to be a part of this with you and find myself thinking of you all often!  This is such a positive venture we have all set out on and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to work on Kindness together! 

Monday, February 4, 2013

RAK2013:)))) Kindness Tags

Thank you to all who came out and worked on the Kindness gift tags--I had so much fun and they turned out great!

RAK2013:)))) First Group Event February 16th @ 11:00 AM

The first group event will be Saturday, February 16th at 11:00 AM.  We will hand out Valentines to our Cherished Seniors:) We will meet at Hillside Nursing Home in Wake Forest, NC~968 Wait Ave.

Thank you so much and I can't wait to see you all on Saturday!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Saturday, January 19, 2013

1st Meeting Minutes:))))

What a great group we have for our Random Acts of Kindness 2013:))))  You all touched my heart and I am so lucky to have met each of you! A special thanks to our gracious host--Pick A Class for allowing us to meet in their space!

 Here is a brief recap of our first meeting:

Scatter Kindness was presented as our Mission Statement
  • "No Kind Action ever stops with itself.  One Kind Action leads to another.  Good example is followed.  A single act of Kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.  The greatest work that Kindness does to others is that it makes them Kind themselves."  Amelia Earhart
Lots of great Group RAK's were discussed 
  • Volunteer a day in the spring with the Miracle League in Wake Forest
  • Visits to Hillside or the Carolina  House in Wake Forest
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Volunteer with Oxford Orphanage
  • Volunteer with local NonProfit Group Threads of Grace
  • Plant a flower garden in Wake Forest with a Scatter Kindness Marker
  • Kindness Kits for Homeless in Wake Forest
  • Help shoppers with groceries and returning carts
  • Yard work for a person in need--raking leaves, planting flowers etc....
  • Jar of Kindness for anonymous gifting in December 2013
  • Baking for a person that needs uplifting of spirits
  • Volunteer with Ronald McDonald House in Chapel Hill, NC
For the most part, our efforts will be focused in Wake Forest, NC.  Our goal is to spread Kindness in our community:)  We will set "themes" for our group events such as Valentine's for our cherished Seniors, Shamrocks bring Luck etc....

A great suggestion was that we ask David Leone at The Wake Weekly to ask for RAK Nominations.  We all know it's hard for a person to ask for help but with a nomination process, people can nominate someone they know for a Random Act of Kindness.  I will email David at The Wake Weekly this week and provide an update.

Lots of great Personal RAK's were discussed
  •  Write a handwritten note of kindness to a friend, neighbor, family member or even stranger
  • Leave change at vending machine for the next soda or snack
  • Leave thank you note for mail carrier
  • Send a note of praise to someone's supervisor for a job well done
  • Give something away on Craigslist
  • Send a friend an old photo with a note recalling that memory
  • Drop off flowers on a doorstep with a note of Kindness
  • Hershey "Kisses" 
RAK Gift tags will be a great way to perform our RAK's with PURPOSE.  This anonymous gift tag will simply state--Please enjoy this Random Act of Kindness--Now it's your turn to Pay it Forward.  The tags will "Plant a Seed" of Kindness in others!  We will meet on February 1st to make the RAK gift tags--all materials will be donated and all we need is your time:)  Refreshments and Snacks will be provided.  All the help we can get is appreciated:))))

Our first Group RAK will be February 16 at 10 AM---a member of our group is working with a local nursing home in Wake Forest to see if we can make a visit to the residents and give Valentine's and balloons to our cherished Seniors.  An update will be provided as soon as one is available.

In March, we will perform a Group RAK with a Shamrock, St Patrick's Day theme--any ideas please submit them so we can start working on it!

As you perform your Personal RAK's---please take a moment to take a picture and write a little about the experience for all of us to can post them here or email them.  I would love to have a celebration at the end of the year that reviews our year as a group and personally, so we can reflect and celebrate each other together.  

One of our members mentioned he has a couple of Karate Passes(one month free) he would love to pass along--if you are interested or know someone that would like to be gifted--let us know!

In conclusion, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for each of you and your time!  I am looking forward to working with you all and can't wait to spread a little Kindness!

If I left anything out--please add it to this post.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Be The Good

Pinned Image

RAK2013:)))) Update

Our first meeting is fast approaching!  Friday, January 18th at 6:00 PM!  We have about 15 people signed up so far....

At this meeting, we will discuss each of our personal goals through this group and set our group goals.  This will be an interactive format so if you have some RAK ideas, make sure to bring them with you and be prepared to share!

The first group event is scheduled for February 16th at 10 AM--make sure to mark your calendars.  Prior to our first event, those interested can meet and help make our Random Acts of Kindness cards that will be handed out and work on Tshirts we can wear during our group events. 

Any and all comments are welcome---I look forward to making our community a little kinder this year!

Monday, January 7, 2013

First Meeting Scheduled for January 18 at 6:00 PM

Our first meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 18 at 6:00 PM.  We will meet at the Lets Do This with Suzanne:)))) Studio located inside of Nereida's Nifty Threads 222 E Jones Avenue, Wake Forest, NC 27587. 

Our first meeting will be a time for us to share ideas and collaborate on how we want this group to move forward.  I hope that we can make a difference, whether it be small or large, in our community:)

I can't wait to get started on this journey and I look forward to seeing you all:)))))

Suzanne Corey